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1. Online courses require more studying time.
Online means you are responsible for accessing and learning everything on your own. To communicate with your instructor and other students, you must type messages and responses. As you can probably guess, typing is slower than speaking.
2. Online courses require good time-management skills.
To be successful online, you will have to manage your time. No one will be telling you what to do. You will need to set aside chunks of time to complete your studies. Taking an online class means that you have to make studying a priority and not let others interrupt or interfere with your study schedule. Sometimes, it means making difficult choices.
3. Online courses can feel lonely and isolating.
Studying at a computer can be lonely and let’s face it pretty easy to play “hooky”. Be sure to reach out to your instructor if you are struggling with motivation or accessing material. Reaching out to other students in the discussions help you build friendships. Be sure to post and if you need more socialization, you can post more than what’s required (minimum).
4. Online courses require you to be responsible for your own learning.
No one will force you to complete the class or make you study. Instructors share their knowledge and experiences. Reach out for technology support right away, if you have trouble using Canvas, getting your online textbook and any of the learning tools. The spark and desire to pursue your dreams must be yours.
5. Online courses require strong reading, writing, and technology skills.
If you struggle with reading, writing, and using technology, you might reconsider online learning. There is tutorial help available, but they cannot do your work for you. It’s still up to you to read the textbook on your own and understand what it’s saying. There is a lot of typing (communicating) in Canvas. Your instructor may have other technologies you need to use in addition to Canvas. You will need to be part detective/sleuth to figure things out. You cannot be afraid of asking for help!